Our Beer of the Month
Our beer of the month: Hochdorfer Weihnacht- Festbier
A Festbeer just like it should be: nice and full-bodied, easy-drinking and full of Christmas spirit - get your pint today!
Our Wheat Beer of the Month
A wheat beer must be bottle-conditioned the old-fashioned way in order to become a wheat beer of the month at Maulwurf. Our current w.b.o.t.m. is Gutmann Helles Hefeweizen.
Have your own private Whisky Tasting at Maulwurf?
Sure thing! For 10 or more people, we do individual whisky tastings at Maulwurf. You tell us where your interests lie, or we make suggestions, pick a date and off we go on a journey through the history and the making of the water of life, and along the way we taste 6 different whiskies!
If this sounds good to you, round up 9 or more like-minded creatures and send us an Email!
Maulwurf Tatort Lounge
Every Sunday Maulwurf Tatort Lounge
Every Sunday night at 8.15 pm, German Public Television shows their Murder Mystery. For those who'd rather have company and a fresh draft beer with their Tatort, Maulwurf is just the place... And for those who don't want to watch, there is still plenty of room without Tatort.